

I have had the pleasure of working with families for over nine years. Bringing balance and peace back into homes of sleep deprived parents has been a goal of mine, which I have successfully been able to accomplish hundreds of times. I would love to continue to help those in need here in Los Angeles as well as across the country and globally. My approach combines techniques that I have picked up through my years of experience, my schooling as well as techniques my mother showed me as she was a newborn care specialist as well. I believe that every family has different needs and every infant requires an individual approach which is why I am making it my mission to help families on an individual basis. I have tackled issues with infants and reflux, short naps, early waking, trouble with sleeping through the night and many other sleep issue that may arise. Working together as a team to come up with a customized plan that will benefit your child's sleep needs is one of my goals another very important goal of mine is that not only is your child sleeping through the night but the whole family is having dolce (sweet) dreams.