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GERD/Reflux and your new baby

GERD or Reflux as it is more commonly known is becoming more and more common in newborn children, and therefore there is a rise in infants being prescribed medicine for symptom relief. Working first hand with infants I understand how frustrating it can be to want to give a child relief and not be able too due to their reflux symptoms being so prominent. The best advice I can give is to make the child as comfortable as possible until the symptoms subside.

Here are a few tips to managing the symptoms of GERD/Reflux.

  1. Burp your child after every ounce if bottle fed or after every few minutes if breast fed
  2. Hold your child upright 30 minutes after each feed
  3. Elevate the crib mattress or bassinet slightly so your child is in an upright position while they sleep
  4. Administer prescriptions on time every day
  5. Administer gas/colic relief drops a few times a day (With my experience these drops make a difference in helping infants get relief from reflux symptoms)
  6. Administer a probiotic once a day

Symptoms of GERD/Reflux include:


  1. Spitting up (Projectile or frequent spit-ups)
  2. Frequent hiccups
  3. Irritability and discomfort
  4. Sleep disturbances
  5. Arched back and legs raised up to chest
  6. Uncontrollable crying

Those are the most common symptoms an infant may present when dealing with GERD/Reflux. Many symptoms of GERD/Reflux get better after 12 weeks of life due to an under developed GI tract becoming more developed. The first 12 weeks of life is considered the fourth trimester due to infants continuing to develop and getting stronger outside of the womb.

Hang in there parents the most important thing to remember is that GERD/Reflux in most cases is temporary and will get better as your child continues to grow and meet his/her developmental milestones. Although it may seem never ending, there is light at the end of the very long and dark tunnel.

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